When Elle Nailga began working longer hours than normal, she became concerned that her dog, Bella, could be experiencing feelings of isolation as a result. Because she believed it would be beneficial for her to have a companion around, the three of them decided to bring a pug puppy by the name of Baguette into their home.
When Bella first laid eyes on Baguette, she couldn’t contain her excitement, and the two of them became fast friends. However, after some time passed, Bella understood that Baguette had a far higher amount of energy than she did and that she did not always comprehend when she was playing.
Therefore, Bella devised a scheme.
Bella was having difficulty getting on and off the sofa, and Nailga began to notice that she was periodically stumbling into objects and banging into other things as well. She found that strange, but Bella seemed to be OK overall and wasn’t hurt in any way, so she didn’t give it any attention beyond that. After then, things got much worse.
“One morning, I woke Bella and Baguette up to play fetch,” Nailga told The Dodo. “Baguette was more excited than Bella.” “I tossed the toy, but Bella had little interest in going after it. I assumed that maybe it was only because Baguette took it first, so I held Baguette to remain while I tossed it, but Bella just sat there and stared at me the whole time. Even though the item included instructions, she ignored them completely… I feigned that I was about to stick something in her eye, but she didn’t blink once. When it happened, I started becoming pretty frightened, and I felt there must be something really wrong with her eyes.
Bella was hurried to the veterinarian by Nailga, and after a series of examinations, the staff there determined that she was suffering from severe blindness. The veterinarian strongly suggested that Nailga take Bella to an ophthalmologist as soon as possible after seeing her vision problems. In a state of panic, she acted swiftly and scheduled an appointment; nevertheless, the outcome was not at all what she had anticipated.
“The specialists told me that they did a maze test with the lights on and off as well as a few other tests,” Nailga added. “They also did a few other tests.” “Because Bella was able to navigate around the labyrinth without bumping into any of the obstructions, it was speculated that maybe she did not suffer from total blindness. They said that she exhibited highly ‘inconsistent’ conduct.
After doing a few further tests, the ophthalmologist communicated the findings to Nailga over the phone. As it out, Bella did not suffer from any kind of blindness.
“He stated that her eyes worked perfectly fine,” Nailga claimed. Because he suspected that this may be a behavioral problem, he asked me whether there had been any recent changes at home or in her way of life. When I informed him that I had gotten a dog, that’s when he felt that Baguette was the one creating this… I told him that I had acquired a puppy. They were aware of the fact that she was making an effort to avoid and ignore Baguette.
It would seem that Bella had made the decision that she wanted a vacation from the new puppy, so in order to avoid having to play with her, she faked that she was blind.
Since then, the mother of the three children has been extremely on top of making sure that her daughter, Bella, gets space and time to herself, apart from her very active younger dog sibling. Baguette is also learning how to have better boundaries, and Bella has grown much calmer around her new tiny sister as a result of these lessons.
It’s possible that it will be some time before the sisters are totally used to each other’s fashions, but things have settled down to the point where it’s safe to assume that Bella won’t feel the need to pretend that she’s blind again.