A mother of three has revealed the miraculous change she underwent after reducing over half her body weight via natural means while maintaining her love of chocolate.

Natalie Hirst, who is from Adelaide, saw her weight skyrocket to 130 kg after she had three children as a result of her weight gain spiraling out of control.

The 29-year-old mother of two toddlers said that she had trouble purchasing clothing when she was at her heaviest, that she felt weary all the time, and that she found it difficult to keep up with her children.

As a result, she made the decision to permanently alter her lifestyle in an effort to break the harmful cycle of overeating and insufficient exercise.

After having her kid, the very fit mother, who is now employed as a personal trainer, lost a significant amount of weight and, as a result, drastically changed her appearance within two and a half years.

On her Instagram profile, where she recounts her incredible struggle to lose weight, she writes, “I lost my weight by adopting a new lifestyle consisting of activity and balanced nutrition.”

In the last two and a half years, I have never turned down birthday cake, I have consumed a great deal of chocolate, and I have delighted in the things that I have desired.

“The key to success is figuring out how to maintain a healthy, well-rounded lifestyle.” It cannot be a quick repair; rather, it has to be a long-term solution.

She began by establishing attainable and quantifiable objectives for herself, beginning with more manageable short-term objectives.

“Results were my biggest motivation, there’s nothing like seeing your hard work pay off to help you work for more,” Ms. Hirst said. “There’s nothing like seeing your hard work pay off to help you work for more.”

“obtaining outcomes is something that I feel drives the attitude, which is something that I believe goes hand in hand with obtaining results. However, the stresses of everyday life may cause your mentality to get a little bit jumbled, and this is a lesson that we all pick up along the way and use to teach us how to manage and deal with adversity.

“Directing your attention and efforts toward the positive and giving the negative the cold shoulder.” A lot of individuals who are trying to lose weight seem to overlook the importance of maintaining a healthy balance in their lives. You only have one life, therefore you should make the most of it.

After becoming pregnant with her second child, a girl in 2015, the mother said that she was aware that her weight had increased to 82 kg at the time she began her incredible weight reduction journey.

She had reached her goal weight of 130 kg within one and a half years after giving birth to her third child, her second son.

She reflected on the matter and said, “I didn’t realize how big I had gotten.”

“While I was pregnant, I simply used the “I’m pregnant” excuse as a justification for eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted,” the woman said.

The mother said that her cardiac ailment was the root cause of her lack of exercise.

She said, “Because of the condition of my heart, I wasn’t permitted to exercise, so I used this as an excuse to sit around doing nothing.”

She was so determined to finally get a handle on her weight that as soon as she was given the green light to start working out, she got on an exercise routine and began eating healthier.

“I certainly wasn’t going to let this be the rest of my life… It was difficult for me to purchase clothing, I was often exhausted, and it was challenging to keep up with my children. I had to make adjustments to both my way of life and my mentality, she said.

She had already lost 50 kg with her own exercise regimen and diet plan when she decided to engage a personal trainer to assist her to lose the last 10 kilograms that she was having trouble shedding.

She had a belly tuck procedure done in March 2019 in order to get rid of the 910 grams of excess skin.

The mother claimed that she remembered breaking into tears on the day that she began her quest to lose weight and shared a “before” and “after” bodily change with the audience.

“On the day that I took this photo (the “before” photo), I was supposed to take it while wearing knickers, but I just couldn’t do it.” She added, “When I saw my body in my shorts, it was way worse than I imagined, and I was devastated.” “When I saw my body in my shorts, it was way worse than I imagined.”

She stated this in reference to a photo of herself taken after she had lost 60 kilograms: “Never in a million years did I think I would have the confidence to stand in the gym in booty shorts.”

When the mother of three entered a fitness competition, she did so wearing a bikini for the first time in seven years. This marked a significant milestone in her journey toward a healthier lifestyle.

“Was it an easy task? Do you think it’s a blessing that I have “that body type”? It was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever had to accomplish; I put in a lot of effort just to get to the stage! In particular, having three children, she said in a post from November 2019 that “they come first” since “they are my priority.”

“Even when I was a teenager, I was never in shape like this! This is the cleanest I’ve ever had in my physique! The strenuous effort combined with unwavering resolve. I sacrificed… I went to bed really late and got up very early.

“I was working toward a goal. On other days, I felt like throwing in the towel… I went through the whole gamut of human emotions… I overcame my anxieties, but they were replaced by others. I made a lot of progress.

“I gained a lot of insight into both myself and other people.” However, being in that tiny bubble of pride while on stage was so worth it, and I can honestly say that I am so darn proud.

Since then, she has made the decision to become a personal trainer so that she may assist other people in making positive changes in their own life.

Ms. Hirst has some advice for other moms who are having difficulty shedding extra pounds: “Don’t let being a mumma stop you from reaching your goals.” You have been given these mumma bears.

“Tired labor, unwavering commitment, and dogged persistence. You are able to do this… plan your objectives. Create a strategy, and then destroy it. Show yourself that you are capable of doing it,’

By Anna

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