When Peanut’s human sister, Malaika Jaovisidha, moved away to attend college eight years ago, Peanut was only a little puppy at the time. He had no idea when he would next see her, and the time between their encounters seemed to drag on forever.
Peanut was so overjoyed to see his sister Jaovisidha a few months later over break that he was unable to stop kissing her. Jaovisidha had returned home from college.
Throughout her time at school, Jaovisidha maintained a consistent travel schedule that allowed her to visit her family in Thailand. Peanut would go into a face-licking frenzy the moment he saw her, and it would go on for quite some time.
According to what Jaovisidha shared with The Dodo, “Each reunion is as amazing as the previous, regardless of whether I’ve been gone for a week or months.” “But, I seldom stayed away for more than four to six months at a period,” she said.
until the year 2020, when stringent travel restrictions were imposed in every region of the world. After being stranded in Australia for more than two years, Jaovisidha was finally able to make her way back to the United States.
According to Jaovisidha, “I feared that [Peanut] had forgotten everything about me.” “Because I had never been absent for such a significant amount of time before, I had no idea what to anticipate.”
When the day finally arrived, Jaovisidha did not waste any time in locating Peanut and her family at the arrivals gate. The senior Chihuahua noticed her as well, but based on his response, she could tell that he did not know her. He saw her, but he did not recognize her.
According to Jaovisidha, all that the dog did was glance at her and wag his tail when he saw her. “This is how he often meets new people when they come over to touch him,” you may say.
Peanut however quickly recognized Jaovisidha once she talked because of her voice.
According to what Jaovisidha claimed, “I yelled his name, and he went wild.” Once he began weeping, he couldn’t stop smothering me in kisses and climbing all over me.
Peanut couldn’t contain his excitement at the sight of one of his most cherished human beings, just like he did every time she arrived home from school. Now that they have some time together again, Peanut and Jaovisidha are making up for a lost time by engaging in all of their favorite activities together, such as going for walks and snuggling.
Jaovisidha said that she had missed “cuddling with him.” “It’s the most wonderful thing in the world.”