Sahar Tabar, who is just 19 years old, wanted to look like the famous actress so much that she had fifty different cosmetic treatments and lost up to forty kg.
But, the outcome was not at all what had been wished for or anticipated.
Because of the strangeness of her look, a real-life ghost and the protagonist of a horror movie both approached the lady.
This Iranian lady has had fifty cosmetic operations in an attempt to appear like Angelina Jolie; as a result, she now resembles a zombie.
Before she had her procedure, Sahar Tabar was a very kind and beautiful young woman.
Yet, in order to achieve her goal of looking like Angelina Jolie, she decided to undergo a number of surgical procedures.
As a consequence of this, she has, over the course of a number of years, progressively gotten closer to the lady she had envisaged.
She strives to be just like her hero in every way, beginning with the fact that she is so petite.
Before commencing the operations, she embarked on a diet for many months in order to shed up to 40 kg before her height was measured. Her height was 146 centimeters.
Corpse Bride’: Internet attacks lady who underwent ’50 operations’ to appear like Angelina Jolie… or did she? — RT News Around the Globe
To improve their likeness to the celebrity, Tabar dresses dressed as a stunning model and applies elaborate makeup.
By submitting herself to so many pointless surgeries, the young lady made the ultimate sacrifice for her family.
It has been said in a number of publications that she appears in this manner and that the picture has not been altered in any way using Photoshop.
The young woman has been compared to Emily, the protagonist from Tim Burton’s “Corpse Bride,” in internet commentary.
The ‘Zombie Girl’ Who Tried to Imitate Angelina Jolie Looked Exactly Like This Instead – LADbible
The well-known main character from the movie “Annabelle” is another example.
She just has a few posts on her Instagram account, but she already has 300,000 followers, and she advertises various smartphone accessories in addition to her own.