At the age of 68, Rosa Saito was a model who caused a sensation in the fashion business, and she is still causing a stir in the industry today, despite being 71 years old.
Beginning a trip on a new route in life is never easy, particularly if that same path has been taken by others whose experiences are not similar to your own. Nevertheless, the need for excitement and insight into oneself must be allowed to deter a person from following their calling, regardless of the circumstances.
The cosmetics and beauty business is both fascinating and horrifying. It seeps into every nook and cranny of existence, regardless of whether or not we want it to. There is no way to get around it. In the same way, there is no way to avoid becoming older.
You may try to avoid it as much as possible, pretend it doesn’t exist, or even send it to the bottom of the darkest hole, but it will always find its way back. It would seem that beauty and get older are two things that have a highly intricate connection with one another. Therefore, it is a miraculous sight to see when they are brought together.
She was born in Aracatuba, Sao Paulo, under the name Setsuko Saito, but later changed her name to Rosa so that it would be simpler to pronounce. Rosa has always had a natural gift for the arts.
The life of Rosa Saito, also known as Setsuko Saito (she changed her name to Rosa so that it would be easier to pronounce), is one that is illuminating and uplifting; she is a genuine breath of fresh air. She started her career as a model when she was 68 years old, and she is still modeling effectively at the age of 71, which accidentally questioned the prejudiced beliefs around both beauty and aging at the time.
Rosa’s ability and enthusiasm for the arts had been with her from childhood. She believed that she was meant to tie her life in some way or another with the arts, so she began singing, sketching, and writing throughout her infancy in Aracatuba, which is located in the state of Sao Paulo. “I always felt that I would end up doing something artistic, something that would allow me to create things. She was quoted as saying, “Everything I do, I take to that side,” which was published on BrightSide.
She was unable to follow her interests when she was younger. At the age of 22, she started taking care of her mother, who was bedridden. Her husband passed away in the year 2000, and she was left to raise their three children on her alone.
However, Rosa would not be able to travel that route due to its great distance. At the age of 22, she became her mother’s primary caregiver throughout her three years of bedrest. Then, in the year 2000, she was forced to say her last goodbyes to her husband since he had gone away, which left her as the only caregiver for their three children.
Her passion for gardening and growing plants was the thing that kept her spirits up. Within these, she discovered the source of her daily meditation. “It is essential to look for and discover who you are. And for now, I find my solace in their company (plants). She said, “I walk out into my garden and communicate with them there.”
After some time had passed, she was surprised to be contacted by people working in the fashion business who asked her to model for them; nevertheless, she decided to give the concept some time to develop before accepting it.
The years passed, and while it seemed that Rosa had led a full and successful life, fate had other plans for her. She was taken aback when someone working in the fashion business contacted her with an unexpected offer to have her model for them.
“Twice it was by experts from the Mega modeling agency, and the other time it was by a photographer. I gave the concept a year to develop since, after all, it did have associated expenditures. She reflected on her decision and said, “It wasn’t something I was going to jump into simply like that, blindly.”
She made the decision to enter the profession when she was 68 years old, despite the fact that she had very little prior experience in the field. Her sense of adventure continued to push her in the right direction.
Until she reached the age of 68 and made the decision to test her limits. She was determined to succeed despite the fact that she had just a limited understanding of the field. Her spirit of exploration drove her along the path that she had been told would lead to her success from the very beginning of her existence. She had finally discovered both her passion and her purpose in life. It was so successful that it landed her in the Sao Paulo Fashion Week!
Her objective has never been a celebrity. “I merely want to discover myself and do the best I can in the things that I love. I had the thought: Do what God wants you to do. “If I don’t put myself out there, I’ll never find out,” she said to Estado. On the other hand, this has not prevented her from amassing more than 45,000 followers on Instagram.
“I merely want to discover myself and do the best I can in the things that I love. I had the thought: Do what God wants you to do. She said, “If I don’t try, I’ll never know what I’m missing.”
She was 5 feet, 68 centimeters tall, and naturally slender, but she admitted that she had worked hard to maintain her physique in the finest possible condition. She was brought up in a manner that was quite natural, and she was never allowed to consume even a single aspirin when she was a youngster. “It was all predicated on tea, and in my core, I am like that, which is to say that I am sort of against anything that is chemical.” So I always made sure to take care of myself with things like olive oil, coconut oil, and aloe,” she said.
Nevertheless, she highlighted how essential it is to be in sync with one’s own self. “The beauty that you see is a reflection of how much care you take with your ideas and your spirituality. The individual may develop into a beautiful, engaging, and pleasant person; this is much more than the beauty that is stretched out and flawless. According to Rosa, “the substance is what really matters since it’s your viewpoint.”
Rosa takes excellent care of her physique, but she also places a strong emphasis on the need of maintaining internal harmony, stating that “beauty means taking care of your ideas and your soul.”
“As a woman, there are certainly certain things that, if I had my way, I would alter. We’re all guilty of it, but I can’t say that I’m unhappy with who I am. She said, “I feel really lovely.” “I do not feel that the term aging is appropriate. I would have to say education. I never stop learning, yet it seems like the more I take in, the more I realize how little I really know. Time does indeed go by, but what exactly is time, my Lord up in heaven? If I were to assign my soul age, I would say that it is 22 years old.
She feels as if the standards set by the beauty business are oppressive, yet she is optimistic that change is possible. “I get the impression that we are steadily evolving. People are living longer and taking better care of themselves, and businesses really need to open out more in that sense and imagine these prospective clients because they are living longer.
Every ambitious model that Rosa meets, she tells them, “Never stop dreaming and hoping, you’re at the proper place and time!”
“with drive and a lot of patience, you can accomplish what you want,” even if the sector may not be the simplest to get into and succeed in. First and foremost, embrace who you are,” Rosa advised Bored Panda.
She went on to say that “we are all one-of-a-kind creatures,” and because of this, “it is crucial that each one identifies in their own appearance and feels good.” “And most importantly, have fun!”
When it comes to modifying beauty standards and reducing the ongoing problem of ageism in fashion and the media, there is still a long way to go.
According to Annika Gralke, ageism can be seen to manifest itself in at least three different ways: negative attitudes towards older people, old age, and the aging process; age-based discrimination or unfair treatment; and the implementation of practices and policies that amplify these negative stereotypes.
Because of all of this, persons over the age of 40 often report feeling ignored or invisible in society as a result of their fascination with youth and its promotion. Maria Edstrom contends that, in a manner quite similar to what Rosa said, the media has a tendency to focus on the needs of consumers rather than the needs of citizens, particularly with regard to women.
“I get the impression that we are steadily evolving. Due to the fact that people are living longer, businesses really need to open up more in this sense and envision these prospective clients.
Denise C. Lewis and her co-authors argue that the multidimensionality of a woman’s body is very much diminished and ignored and that the unwillingness of the fashion industry to recognize the needs of women over the age of 40 feeds into a belief that naturally aging women’s bodies are socially undesirable. In addition, they claim that the fashion industry is contributing to a belief that natural aging women’s bodies are socially undesirable.
The visual content analysis of eight fashion magazines revealed that the fashion industry continues to concentrate its promotional efforts on younger populations. Furthermore, the fashion industry rarely includes images of women over the age of 40, despite the fact that a large percentage of their readership is comprised of older women.
According to the words of Lars Svendsen, “[Aging is considered as] a permanent condition rather than a transitory phase.” As a result, a young and slender physique, which is the perpetual inspiration of the high fashion industry, is shamelessly associated with beauty. It should come as no surprise, however, that younger people assume they will become less beautiful as they age, and that older people feel pushed to keep appearing as though they are still in their “youthful” years.
In addition to this, Hannah Swift believes that the fashion industry restricts people’s choices because it determines what we should wear by influencing our perceptions of what we consider to be age appropriate. This makes it more difficult for people to express themselves through the various mediums of fashion (clothing, dress, hairstyles, and makeup), which in turn prevents them from feeling good about their age.
The tragic beauty that may be found in the ever-evolving fashion and beauty industry is a reflection of the search for everlasting beauty that can be found within it. According to the philosophy of Roman Meinhold, a German sociologist, and philosopher, fashion is a technique by which human beings place themselves in the present. This is because human beings are interested in the transcendence of existence and conscious of its conclusion.
D.e.a.t.h. and a decline in desirability are inevitable. Two very natural things that we are taught to be afraid of, acting as if our sole mission is to live forever by whatever means possible and to continue to be visually acceptable to our other people.
Paulina Porizkova, a supermodel who is 57 years old, believes that the elegance that comes with age is not well portrayed. “You don’t have the right to disregard me just because I have some wrinkles and sags and gray hair now when I’m sort of fantastic, the most wonderful I’ve ever been,” she said. In point of fact, I’m going to just come right out and say it: you should know that this is me at my very finest. Just make the most of it!
“Women over the age of 50 simply get put together,” says Jacynth Bassett, the creator of The Bias Cut, an age-inclusive fashion store. “Brands don’t recognize the vast variety that exists amongst them.” She claims that “older women in today’s society are energetic, lively, and contemporary, and they are increasingly accepting and enjoying their age.” It is no longer about yearning to be younger but rather about striving to be the greatest versions of themselves in the present day. After all, you can’t turn back the hands of time, can you?
It took a long time for Rome to be constructed, and it will take some time for us to dismantle the rigid walls that have been built up around beauty standards. This will make it possible for more people to be included and celebrated.
However, there are some people who have picked up on the fact that Rosa has a natural beauty that is rather striking. She is tall and slender, her silver hair is long and gorgeous, and she has wonderful characteristics on her face. If this is the case, then are we truly subverting any type of preconceived notions about what constitutes attractiveness, or are we just creating new criteria for how women should seem in their later years?
It’s a very interesting topic to talk about, but I think that taking a step in the correct way is when you play by the rules, but then bring something new to the mix, which might lead to even more shifts in the system.
It took more than a day to build Rome, and despite our hopes that things would move more quickly, we need to be patient for change to occur. The rigid walls of beauty standards will be brought down one brick at a time, and the best way to achieve this is to send Trojan horse after Trojan horse that adheres to the standards yet is surprising in some manner.
If we work toward inclusiveness on a step-by-step basis, one morning we will look around and see people of all different colors, sizes, and forms happily depicted in the media.
We are excited to see what the future holds for Rosa and wish her the very best in whatever she decides to do. Leave a comment below telling us what you think about this topic.
Share your ideas with us in the section below and tell us whether or not you have the courage to go where no one has gone before, regardless of your age. Do you agree that the way we think about fashion has to be completely revamped? Additionally, don’t forget to upvote and follow the author for additional material that is loaded with the debate!