The Moores, Caren, and Dustin, had only just become parents. They had just returned from Colorado, where they had adopted a newborn girl, where she was 8 days old, and were now on their way back to California. After that, they were inundated with an outpouring of love, sympathy, and support that was beyond anything they could have hoped for.

Dustin was so shaken up by what took on their trip back to his hometown that he decided to recount the whole event in a thread on Twitter.

He starts off the discussion by saying:

“This has been a challenging week. ” But instead of publicly airing my complaints, I’d rather share with you the generosity that strangers provided us the day that we welcomed our baby home from the hospital. I hope that hearing our story will inspire you and serve as a reminder that there is still kindness to be found in our world.

When the couple got on the aircraft, they had four luggage with them and a fresh new baby with them. That’s when everything began. Their kid woke up sometime in the middle of the trip and started crying out because she needed a fresh diaper.

A flight attendant was more than happy to assist the new parents in setting up a changing station in the rear of the aircraft and provide them with some privacy while they attended to their little daughter. After a transition, Jenny and another passenger remarked on how lovely my kid was and inquired in a courteous manner about the reason for our journey with such a young child.

I told them the abridged version of the adoption tale, and in response, they quickly expressed their congrats, and then they made a few more kind things,” Dustin went on to say.

After that, a second flight attendant asked the parents about their child, and the parents cheerfully retold the tale without really giving it any thought. However, both Dustin and Caren were taken aback when an announcement was made over the intercom. This was the moment that really caught them off guard.

“Then, we heard the intercom. The attendant Bobby came on and announced a special guest on the flight. Our daughter. ‘She’s just been adopted by her parents Caren and Dustin, and is making her way home.’ The entire cabin erupted in cheers and applause,” Dustin said.

“He then shared that the crew would pass out pens and napkins to everyone, and anybody who wanted to share a word of advice or encouragement for our family was welcome to do so. We sat in speechless gratitude, as people kept peeking over their chairs to congratulate us.”

Flight attendants Jenny and Bobby gathered over 60 napkins with words of wisdom for the excited and nervous new parents.

“After collecting the napkins, the staff went ahead and read out a couple of their favorites over the loudspeaker.

“Massage your feet together, and then rub the baby’s feet together.”

“You need to schedule time for a date night.”

“Never forget to let her know how much you adore her.”

“Make the most of every second. It passes by so very quickly.

“Drink an excessive amount of wine!”

The couple inquired of the flight attendants as to the motivation for their desire to do something so kind to passengers whom they did not know. They then proceeded to explain that the flight attendants on their aircraft had done something quite similar for them when they were on their way to the airport to be married. They wanted to reciprocate the kind and kind act is done for them.

Dustin is not the kind of person who would immediately go to social media to share personal anecdotes about their lives. On the other hand, given the widespread prevalence of pessimism in today’s online and offline media, he was determined to share with the world an upbeat and optimistic message.

“However, there’s much more. What none of those total strangers and attendants were aware of was the extremely fragile condition of the two new parents there. Parents who had been blessed with their first child after trying unsuccessfully for a total of nine years. Parents who were anxious about their new responsibilities but resolute in their approach.”

You may read the whole Twitter discussion that Dustin posted below.

By Anna

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