There is nothing more heartbreaking than coming across stray animals who are lost and roaming about searching for assistance. It is not necessary for us to coerce ourselves into behaving in an angelic manner; rather, all that is required of us is to choose compassion whenever the opportunity presents itself. This is something that the guy in the narrative does as well. He hosted a sleepover for three hundred canines in order to keep them safe from the storm. Continue to scroll down!

Tierra de Animales is an animal sanctuary located on the outskirts of Cancun, and Ricardo Pimentel is the proprietor of the facility. It is encircled by thick vegetation. Over the course of the previous nine years, he has taken in and provided shelter for more than 500 animals, many of which were strays. These creatures include cats, dogs, chickens, turkeys, horses, sheep, pigs, cows, and donkeys.

Pimentel found himself in a position where he needed to make some decisions as the storm Delta approached the coast of Cancun. He was concerned about the welfare of the pets in the shelter. Their shelters were not capable of withstanding the force of a Category 4 hurricane. The guy took control of the situation for himself. He made the decision to host a sleepover for all 300 canines at his home. They could be safe from the storm if they do this.

He discussed his plans with the volunteers, and they all agreed to participate. Before the storm made landfall, it took them around five hours to collect the puppies and bring them inside the house. They were successful despite the fact that it was not an easy assignment. His home provided a secure haven for all 300 canine guests.

According to what Pimentel told The Dodo, “We had to bring them in on leash two by two.” We had to carry some of them to home since some of them are scared or don’t know how to walk on a leash, but it was worth it in the end because they are all secure now.

When they first moved in together, the large group had a difficult time adjusting to living in such a restricted space. They created a bit of a chaotic situation. Later on, though, it looked as if everyone had made up. He said that they exhibited exceptional behavior throughout the whole evening.

When it struck the sanctuary, the cyclone had only reached a strength of Category 2 at the time. After everything was done the previous night, Pimentel and the other volunteers had to conduct a lot of repairs and clear out animal shelters of trees and branches.

Three hundred canines from local shelters were boarded at his home from noon until five or six in the evening before being returned to their respective facilities. During the storm, there will be no danger to any of them.

By Anna

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