Bringing your dog with you to work may be beneficial for your company, particularly if he is the kind of dog that wants to greet every possible client who passes by by shaking paws. At the very least, this is what Conny Steyaert discovered after just a few short days of taking her English bulldog, Nelson, who was 8 years old, with her to work with her.

When Nelson was still a young puppy, Steyaert, who makes her living selling women’s apparel at outdoor markets and street festivals in Belgium, began taking him along with her so that he would be less likely to suffer from separation anxiety.

According to what Steyaert shared with The Dodo, “He’s a pretty sensitive dog.” “[He] is a quiet and extremely relaxed dog at home, but he does not want to be left alone,” the owner said. “[He] does not like to be left alone.”

While Steyaert was working, she made accommodations for Nelson to sit in front of her stand on his own personal blanket so that he wouldn’t have to be left alone throughout the day. There, he was able to relax and take in his surroundings without disturbing the peace.

It didn’t take long for Nelson to figure out that waiting patiently in this location would attract the attention of customers who were strolling by the store. “What strikes me the most is when he raises his paw to [shake] with people,” Steyaert said. “It’s like he’s saying, ‘Hey, how are you?'” “He has a way of winning over their affections.”

Watch how Nelson wins the affection of total strangers here:

And steal their hearts he does on a daily basis, far more so than Steyaert could have ever anticipated.

“I was shocked by what a wonderful, loving, and peaceful dog Nelson was with people at work,” Steyaert said. “I was astonished by what a decent, loving, and chill dog Nelson was.” “But the conduct of other individuals was the thing that astonished me the most. I was surprised to see how frequently people on the street pet dogs belonging to complete strangers.

The attention that Nelson receives from people who are walking by while his mother is working might vary from a simple tilt of the head to being completely doted on. According to what Steyaert claimed, “so many people would snap photographs of him and comment what a wonderful and loving dog he [was].” Steyaert’s dog had just passed away. “There were even some who would bring him a snack.”

The majority of the individuals that Nelson interacts with while at work are people he has never met before; yet, the unflappable bulldog has made quite a few “best friends” over the years. As a result, his mother is now more well-known in the neighborhood in which she lives.

“Most of the time, people identify me via Nelson,” Steyaert said. “It’s a very cool feeling.”

In addition to putting a smile on the faces of customers who are completely unprepared for it, Nelson has also been a source of healing for some of the individuals he has met while accompanying his mother at her place of employment.

“One day, a girl was walking by [our booth], and she stopped to ask me if she may touch Nelson,” Steyaert recalled. “I said OK, and she proceeded to pet Nelson.” However, the girl began crying as soon as Steyaert gave his consent. She confided told Steyaert that her bulldog had gone away lately and that seeing Nelson brought her a sense of joy despite this tragedy.

Even while the presence of Nelson is beneficial for attracting consumers, the bond that Nelson has with his mother is the one that flourishes the most. Steyaert described him as his “best buddy” and noted that he was “always at my side.” “[He has] had a significant impact on my life.”

By Elen

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