Everyone who has heard about a nice dog in Mexico City that brings vegan food to her employees at the animal shelter to which she belongs has fallen in love with the dog. The dog’s job is to encourage her coworkers. Her story is spreading rapidly throughout social media.

Any is a dog that lives at the Garritas Guerreras animal sanctuary, which is well-known for the way in which it raises funds by giving food free of charge on the streets of the city.

Any delivers “Amvorguesas” to customers using a bag branded with the “Doggie Eats” logo, just as a delivery person would in any app (Vegan Burgers).

As a consequence of the epidemic, Mexico now has a far higher proportion of stray dogs than it had before, despite the fact that it has long held the reputation of having one of the highest percentages of stray dogs in all of Latin America. As a consequence of this, shelters are seeking for methods to assist these animals, whether it be via the process of rescue or the placement of animals in permanent homes.

Sadly, the efforts made by the shelters have not been sufficient, and as a result, they are increasingly unable to provide care for the animals with fur due to a lack of financial resources.

Garritas Guerreras is one of the people who are impacted, but thankfully, Any is a member of this refuge, and she is prepared to rescue her brothers. Any is one of the 160 animals who are currently being cared for in the shelter; but, due to a shortage of money, the management has been obliged to find alternatives.

As a direct consequence of this, the shelter has resolved to generate sufficient funds by providing vegan variants of popular foods, such as burgers, chips, and flavored water, among other items.

The adorable delivery dog is always accompanied by her handler, but she is aware that it is her duty to ensure that the package is delivered on time no matter what.

A member of the shelter’s staff shared the following status update on Facebook:

“Greetings, comrades, and thank you for your continued support while this lomiredistributor is operating. She delivers the daily croquette to the sanctuary so that she may show her support for the 160 animals that make the refuge their home. There is a selection of vegan options available, including amvorguesas, crackers, and beet water flavored with lemon. Your community likely has a number of small companies that could use your help.

The photographs taken by Any instantly gained widespread attention on social media, and the dog was even coaxed into performing for the camera in order to demonstrate her skills.

Any has amassed such a significant amount of support from people all around the globe in her online activities that she now has an Instagram account that has thousands of followers.

By Elen

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