During the course of the inquiry, a dog by the name of Drove who was five years old was discovered chained up inside of a vacant home. The Humane Society of Memphis and Shelby County took him in and cared for him. As soon as the employees met Drove, he was able to win their trust and win their hearts! His kind disposition, steady demeanor, and devoted character would undoubtedly make him the ideal companion for a family; nevertheless, he was rejected again and again over a period of seven months.
After then, a miraculous event took place!
Morgan and Tyler, who had just gotten married, walked in with the intention of adopting a new puppy. In point of fact, Morgan had just recently said goodbye to her Boxer of thirteen years. They had the same goal of getting a rescue animal, so they went to HSM&S to look for one. That’s when they met Drove.
It was love at first sight for both of them.
After completing all of the necessary paperwork, Drove, who is now known as Samson (or Sammy for short!), had the most pleasant wake-up call imaginable. His parents were all set to welcome him in as their new family member.
A member of the staff at the shelter laughed as they remembered the endearing scene, adding, “He’s just sleeping so peacefully without any notion he’s most likely going to be going home fast!”
Morgan said that ever since the first night they brought him home, he had a strong aversion to being away from their website. “When my husband and I get up to grab some water or go out of the room for a bit, he follows us to make sure we are not leaving the room,” I said. “He is quite paranoid.”