In order to find his mother, a young boy makes a portrait of his mother, who abandoned him when he was a very young child, and then goes looking for her.
The fantasy of every orphan is that one day his mother would come to get him. Patrick Jones shared this dream. In her wide arms, he’d be able to see her face and her smile, and all of the love he’d been missing would be there for him.
Patrick, on the other hand, had never seen his mother before now. It was only a few days after he was born that she had abandoned him in the lobby of the orphanage where he was placed. It wasn’t until Mr.Dmitri, the elderly janitor, made an unexpected observation that Patrick realized he was living in a fiction.
“Patrick,” the elderly gentleman stated. “Your eyes are like your mother’s!”
Patrick, who was only six years old at the time, was overjoyed. “Did you happen to see my mother, Mr. Dmitri, seriously?”
“That’s right,” Mr. Dmitri said. “I certainly did! She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life.”
“I wish I could have seen her…” Patrick said in hushed tones. “That is because I am concerned about not being able to recognize her if she returns! If I sketch her, will you tell me if it’s a good representation of her?”
Mr. Dmitri smiled and nodded. “I’m certain I will!” he exclaimed. “And with your talent, I’m confident it will be a wonderful portrait!”
As a result, Patrick created a portrait of his imaginary mother, aiming to make the eyes as like to his own as he possibly could. Mr. Dmitri, on the other hand, glanced at it and grimaced. “That’s not right, that nose isn’t correct! Your mother had a more attractive nose!”
And Patrick would continue to do portraits after that, and after that, and after that. Mr. Dmitri estimates that he must have painted a hundred portraits throughout the course of his career, but none of them were exactly perfect.
The best portrait Patrick had ever done (and by that time he had become a highly good artist) was presented to Mr. Dmitri when Patrick was seventeen, and Mr. Dmitri exclaimed. “That’s your mother for the rest of your life!”
Patrick couldn’t contain his excitement! The portrait of his mother was printed in dozens of copies, and he began sneaking out of the orphanage to put up the portraits of his mother all over town, asking anyone who recognized her to get in contact with him. Patrick was really upset when no one showed up or called, as he had expected.
However, six months later, just as Patrick was about to give up, a guy came to the orphanage and asked to speak with him. The man, who appeared to be in his forties, stood and stared at Patrick. “Do you happen to be the one who’s looking for the woman in the portrait?”
“It is,” Patrick confirmed. “That’s my mum right there.”
When the man inquired, he questioned if the painting had been done by him.
Yes, Patrick confirmed. “Yes,” Patrick responded. The answer is, “Yes.”
It was the man’s turn to laugh. “George Halston is the name I’m going to give you. And I should know since you have a great deal of potential. “I’m a creative individual.”
A cup of coffee was brought to Patrick’s office by George, and the two of them had a lengthy conversation. When George left, Patrick didn’t realize that he had taken his cup with him, but the artist returned to see him two weeks later.
Then George called out, “Patrick.” The truth is that I didn’t want to say anything without first getting confirmation, but I did know your mother. We were married, and she was a breathtakingly gorgeous woman. She moved to Europe after leaving me for another man, a wealthy man.
“What I didn’t realize was that she was pregnant at the time she abandoned me.” That you are my son has now been established to me. Patrick, you are not by yourself. In addition to me, you have three younger stepsisters, as well as a stepmom who can’t wait to meet you. The fact that you have children proves that you are a family person.”
His tears streamed down his cheeks. Then he explained, “My mother…” The question is, “Is she ever going to return?”
“Sorry, Geoge,’ he said with a sigh. You never know…” “I don’t believe it, son, but you never know…”
“Did the portrait look anything like her?” Patrick inquired. “Did I understand it correctly?”
“No,” George stated emphatically. “What I did see was your sense of style and the talent you had. It doesn’t look like her at all. I had a feeling you were mine!”
Patrick moved in with George and his family, allowing him to realize his dream of becoming a member of a caring and supportive family. He followed in his father’s footsteps as an artist, and he became well-known for it.
Patrick was at an art show in Paris when a woman approached him and introduced herself. “Can you tell me about this portrait?” she inquired. “Is ‘Fantasy of My Mother’ available for purchase?”
Patrick took a step back and glanced at the woman. She must have once been quite attractive, and her eyes must have been exactly like his. It’s not looking good for me,” he remarked. The woman who gave birth to me loved me, according to a dream I once had, but she didn’t, as it turned out.”
The woman appeared to be taken aback. Her mother shared her sentiments, saying, “Mothers always adore their children…”
“Even if they just go away?” Patrick wondered aloud.
The woman averted her gaze. “Sometimes…Sometimes they believe that there are more vital things to do…”
“Are they?” Patrick inquired, a gentle tone in his voice.
The woman’s eyes were welling up with tears. “Patrick, that is not the case. They are a trick of the light. They’re all gone now, and the only thing I have left are my sorrows.”
Patricia was given the portrait by Patrick, who had taken it down from the wall. “I’d like for you to have this, Mother. So if you wish to bring your grandchildren to visit, you can find my address on the reverse of the card. :-)”
What can we take away from this narrative?
Children should not be subjected to hardship as a result of their parents’ faults. Patrick’s mother gave up her son so that she may enjoy a life of luxury with her husband.
If you look for it, you will find it. Patrick was able to track down his father and brothers, and years later, he was able to track down his mother through his paintings.