A Pit Sisters dog rescue group president was thrilled to see that one of the puppies had ears that curled inward like a cinnamon roll. Deane was looking for the pup.
All of Cinnamon’s siblings had large, pointed ears, as was anticipated, but Cinnamon, who was given this name for understandable reasons, was the only one who stood out.
“I’ve never seen a dog with ears quite like hers before,” I say. Nobody believes how lovely she is… and she’s much more adorable in person!” When Deane was talking to The Dodo, he used the phrase
A picture of Cinnamon that the rescue put on their Facebook page quickly caught the attention of everyone on the internet.
Because of her gorgeous face, which has been published all over the internet, she has received a great deal of attention, which has led to her and her siblings being placed for adoption.
Sadly, the puppies weren’t always so fortunate, and the litter was in serious trouble only three weeks before they were picked up by Deane.
The puppies, which were found alone in a public shelter, had most likely escaped from a house where the owner was too busy to take care of them. They were all emaciated and had worms all over them.
Despite the fact that they were just 5 weeks old, Deane said that they had not received proper care. “We took them directly to our veterinarian so that they could get quick medical attention, and they’re all doing much better today.”
It wasn’t always that way for the pups, though, and the litter was in terrible trouble just three weeks before they were picked up by Deane.
The pups, who were discovered abandoned at a public shelter, had most likely gotten out of a residence where their owner was too busy to care for them. They were all famished and covered with worms on every surface of their bodies.
They were just 5 weeks old, but Deane claimed that they had not gotten the required care since they had been abandoned. In order to provide them with prompt medical assistance, we transported them immediately to our veterinarian’s office. They are all doing much better now.