Get to know Luna, a real-life canine adventurer who was reunited with her master after being separated from him at sea for approximately five weeks!

Her owner, Nick Haworth, said that the mix of German shepherd and husky had gone missing off the coast of San Diego, California when she fell from a fishing boat while on vacation with him.

Following the news of Luna’s abduction, Nick and a naval crew spent several days looking for her near the St. Clemente Island region, but that was ultimately unsuccessful.

Luna, on the other hand, was assumed to have been drowned in the water.

Five weeks later, employees at the Naval Auxiliary Landing Field on St. Clemente Island were driving to work when they saw a dog resting on the side of the road.

This didn’t seem right since domestic animals were not permitted on the island, yet, it turned out that this wasn’t just any stray cat, it was Luna!

“She was simply sitting there wagging her tail,” Sandy DeMunnik, a Navy public relations officer, said.

According to the evidence, Luna seems to have swum to shore and had been subsisting on rats and dead fish until she was rescued.

As a result, Luna was flown directly to Colorado, where she would be met by Nick’s closest friend, who would look after her until Nick returned from his travels.

In fact, Luna was presented with a new dog tag from the Navy that says, “Keep the faith for Luna.”

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By Anna

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