“Who was that?” one of them inquired in a stern tone of voice.

“There is no one,” Deidre claimed, her voice shaking slightly. “It was just a kid from the neighborhood playing a doorbell prank.”

In response, the second guy said, “Let’s get back to business.” You have fallen behind on your loan repayments by a period of six months, Deidre. The patience of Mr. Marco is wearing thin.

I just need further time. Over the course of the winter, she urged, “Business will pick up.”

The individual responded by bringing out his firearm and said, “Time is one thing you don’t have.” According to Mr. Marco, those who owe him money don’t live very long and wind up feeding the fish that reside in the lake. The firearm was pointing in her direction.

Anxiety caused Richard to become immobile. With a disgusted expression on his face, the guy took a step back and tucked the pistol away. Danny was given the command to search the whole dump for anything of value that might be given to Mr. Marco. Because she is an entrepreneur, there must be a computer or other piece of equipment in this room.

However, in order to produce money, I need those items! Deidre shed a tear.

A pat was given to the butt of the rifle by the guy. Boo-hoo! “… I have the ability to alter my mind. You should not be ungrateful.

Deidre was left weeping on the floor when the guys stormed out of her house but not before they plundered everything inside. Because Deidre had said that her company was doing well, Richard was perplexed by this information. He understood that something was wrong and was aware that she need his assistance. There were a number of appliances that the guys placed into their van. Following them as they drove away, Richard caught up with them.

The guys came to a halt at a brick structure in the downtown area that seemed to be a tavern at first glance. In spite of the fact that it was shut, the door was not locked. When Richard entered, he was not stopped by anybody. These males had joined a huge table with a number of other men who seemed to be tough. As he approached, one of them rose up and walked toward him.

As he grumbled, “The club is closed,” he said. Come return at a later time.

The announcement that Richard made was, “I’m here to discuss Deidre’s debt.”

A “Oh?” As Richard looked at him, the guy who was sitting at the head of the table stood up. A ugly scar was located over his left eye, but other than that, he seemed to be a gentleman. It was Richard’s opinion that he was Mr. Marco.

“What is the amount that she owes you?” Richard inquired about it.

Mr. Marco gave a sly grin. Isn’t that a good Samaritan? Wow! An amount of $80,000 was borrowed by Deidre for her company. The monthly gains that she was expected to make were intended to be used to repay me, but she never made any.

Richard gasped with terror as he told Deidre, “I have approximately $20,000 in my savings.” Richard was surprised at the amount that Deidre had borrowed.

Mr. Marco groaned and said, “That’s only a quarter of what she owes that she owes.” “However, there is something that you can do in order to compensate for the difference.”

Although Richard did not like the way that sounded, he had no choice but to rescue his daughter. He said, “What is it that you would like me to do?”

Mr. Marco smiled and called for him to come toward him. My business partner and I have just recently launched a small company that imports automobiles to Canada; however, there have been some delays in the paperwork. It should not be difficult for a Grandpa like you, who seems to be sweet and harmless, to cross the border in one of our automobiles.

Richard had no other option than to give his consent. As the night progressed, he stopped at a petrol station close to the border in order to use the restroom, and he parked his vehicle next to a police car. As soon as the German Shepherd in the police car started barking, he let out a gasp and said, “Jesus!” With the exception of… Oh, dude, service dogs were taught to refrain from barking at random people. After hastily climbing back into the vehicle, he began to reverse the vehicle as the police dog became more agitated. After hurriedly exiting the gas station shop, two law enforcement officers called at him to halt. When Richard wanted to stop the voice instructions that the GPS software was giving him, he stuffed it inside his pocket. In order to weave through traffic and barely escape crashes, he pushed the automobile to its limits and drove it fast. All around him, sirens were blaring.

Soon after, Richard became aware of a dirt road that was unsigned and narrow, and it led into the forest. As he dashed into the woods, he abruptly changed direction and abruptly left the road behind. Despite the fact that the muddy pathways were difficult to travel, he continued on. Immediately after making the decision, he regretted it since he had taken a tiny path that led downward and then up a minor climb. Now that it was perched on a tiny hill over a large river, the automobile was in a perilous situation that was impossible to escape. The tires spun without grip, and the automobile drifted closer and closer to the sea while Richard attempted to reverse the vehicle without success.

Oh, no! Although Richard used a great deal of effort to apply the parking brake, it was unsuccessful. There was a loud splash when the nose of the automobile collided with the river, which caused a surge of black water to rush over the bonnet of the vehicle. In an effort to get out of the sinking truck, Richard pushed the door open with his bare hands. Richard’s legs were being pressed against the door as it began to close due to the pressure exerted by the water. In a state of fear, Richard raced about as the river flooded the inside of the building. As the water level began to creep up his face, he leaned his head back, took one final breath, and then hauled himself underneath. In order to escape the aperture, Richard pushed himself up toward the surface and squeezed out of the opening. After taking a deep breath, he proceeded to swim in the direction of the riverbank. As soon as Richard arrived on shore, he became aware of how close he was to passing away. To our relief, he was still breathing. On the other hand, he was still required to take action on the $80,000. He then hitchhiked back to his house.

It was the assistant at the bank who heard him say, “I need to mortgage my house.” And I need the money to be in my bank account as soon as possible. Richard waited with a certain amount of impatience while the employee of the bank processed the papers. The moment Deidre shouted out to him, he gave a startled leap.

It was only a moment ago that several thugs from a local gang came to inquire about you, Dad… “What exactly is going on?”

“Inform them that I will arrive rather soon. I have made arrangements to compensate you for your debt. Despite the fact that I don’t know why you didn’t come to me first, Deidre, today is not the appropriate moment to talk about it. As soon as the conversation was over, Richard signed the necessary documents. Despite the fact that it was the only way to assist Deidre, he was reluctant to give up the house in which he had made memories with his family. After a few hours had passed, he arrived at the club in a leased automobile and proceeded to the door of the establishment before entering.

Let me wait, Dad! Richard turned his head to the side as Deidre approached him. It was her words that she stated, “I won’t let you face those thugs alone.” “I still don’t understand how you found out about this mess or how you got the money to repay them, but the least I can do is stand by you while you save me,” she said. “I won’t be able to do anything else about it.”

The expression of determination that Deidre had in her eyes made Richard realize that he would not be able to persuade her to go. They were hustled toward the table by the goons as soon as they brought them inside the club. Immediately after the successful completion of the mortgage, Richard put his duffel bag, which held the cash that he had withdrew, on the table. “Here is the sum of $80,000 that Deidre owes you, in addition to an additional $15,000 to pay the purchase of your automobile. The automobile ended up in a river because I got into some difficulties, and I’m sorry about that.

The lips of Mr. Marco contorted in a furious manner, and he pounded his fist aggressively on the table. “After you have told me that you sunk the $100,000 package that was concealed in that automobile, you have the arrogance to give me a meagre sum of fifteen thousand dollars? What you owe me at this point is not even close to being covered by that. As soon as the gangster got his hands on the duffel bag, he hurled it to one of his other goons. Deidre, you should know that I had a lot of faith in you, but there are times when you have to know when to give up and cut your losses in the business world. He took a revolver out of his suit jacket and aimed it directly at Deidre’s forehead without making any further movements.

Richard drew Deidre closer to him in the back. “No, thank you!! In every way, I am to blame! Don’t get her in trouble!

In any case, you have made a valid argument. The thug gave a shrug, and the next thing you knew, Richard was looking down the barrel of the pistol. Then, all of a sudden, they heard the sirens of the police outside. While the club was being shaken by the sound of deafening gunshots, Mr. Marco turned around and rushed toward the rear of the establishment. Under the table, the father and daughter scurried under it. As Richard gazed into the eyes of his daughter, which were filled with terror, he realized that he had to get her to a secure place since the club was in a state of turmoil. In order to protect themselves, Richard and Deidre positioned themselves in a corner and pushed one of the tables over. till the cops came to rescue them, they hid till they were safe. To our great relief, Mr. Marco was taken into custody.

To what extent are you positive that you do not suffer from any heart-related health problems? Upon seeing the paramedic in the ambulance, Richard gave a shake of his head. When the police investigator approached, Richard took a deep breath and swallowed hard.

“Sir, I am curious as to what you and your daughter were doing in this institution today.” The investigator inquired in a commanding manner.

The debt that Deidre had taken out was discussed by Richard, along with their desire to repay it. He aimed to avoid bringing up the automobile that he had sunk in the river. The investigator cast a quick look in Deidre’s direction.

It would not have been possible for us to come to your rescue if we hadn’t discovered a vehicle that was loaded with illegal goods in the river. Miss, you should not be willing to take out loans from folks that have such a poor reputation.

“Is there a car in the pool?” Richard inquired with uneasiness.

Responding to the officer’s question, “It was registered to Mr. Marco’s cousin, which was exactly the lead we needed to take this gang down,” the police pointed out.

A sigh of relief came from Richard. There was no danger to him. As soon as they delivered their statements, the police released him and Deidre from custody.

“Dad, I am in desperate need of an apology. As they made their way to Richard’s vehicle, Deidre apologized to Richard, saying, “I dragged you into this whole mess.” Her eyes welled up with tears. “I had no idea how to tell you,” she said. Is it possible for someone to tell their father that they are a complete and utter failure?

Presented just for the purpose of illustration | Source: Pexels

It is not true that you are a failure! Putting his hands on Deidre’s shoulders, Richard embraced her. You made an effort, Deidre, but it’s possible that your company concept didn’t turn out as well as you had thought it would. I truly wish that you had been able to be so open and honest with me about the things that were going on in your life. He went on to say, “Hell, I just wish you could feel in the same way that you did with your mother that you could be as close with me.” “I don’t believe that you have been ‘fine’ for a considerable amount of time now.”

A blast of Deidre

Richard wrapped his arm around her as she broke down into sobs. “Don’t worry, honey,” he reassured her in a reassuring tone. “Everything is going to be right in the end.”

Share your thoughts with us and your friends about this tale, and tell us what you think about it. It might make their day more enjoyable and provide them motivation.

By Elen

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