When it comes to the ceremony that will take place at their child’s school, who among us does not look forward to it with keen expectation, especially when it will entail performances of singing and dancing?

To put it simply, the incredibly lovable antics that children put on show never fail to put a smile on our faces, which, in turn, helps to make even the most difficult conditions better.

Nevertheless, there are those youngsters that really stand out from the rest of the pack.

The fact that there are youngsters that stand out from the throng and seize the spotlight with their true courage and goodness is one of the things that makes these performances even more pleasurable.

During the preschool graduation ceremony that she attended, Sophia, who is just four years old, gave a performance that was quite remarkable.

The whole incidence was filmed on video and released on YouTube, where it has collected over a half a million views, in addition to limitless amounts of likes and comments.

Sophia is seen in the front row, all dressed up and ready to shine in the video, and she does just that. When the song that seems to be her favorite begins playing, we can see her in the front row. It is possible to see her in the front row, fully suited up and prepared to bring out her best in the video.

The little girl quickly adopts the role of Moana and starts acting as if she were the character herself as soon as she hears the opening lyrics of the song “How Far I’ll Go,” which is included on the soundtrack of the film “Moana.” The song is a part of the cinematic music that was originally composed for the film.

A rising talent that will continue to improve in the years to come. On the other hand, Sophia is totally unaware of the activities that are taking on in the close area of her.

Her primary purpose is to play the song to the best of her skills, which she does rather beautifully. Her performance is extremely impressive.

She makes forceful motions as if she were the only performer on stage, despite the fact that there are several preschoolers all around her. She sings and plays the song along with the preschoolers while making strong gestures.

In spite of the fact that there is a girl standing behind Sophia who periodically makes motions in her direction, the other youngsters do not seem to be very worried about the fact that Sophia is sticking out.

When she was in the midst of all the excitement that was taking on in front of her, all she wanted was for her parents to be able to view the video of her. This is something that we can nearly promise.

Throughout the course of the song, the queen of lip-syncing maintains the same level of enthusiasm and intensity in her performance, giving her very best.

To put it simply, she is great in every aspect! After the audience’s response to the little girl’s performance was so favorable, Ellen DeGeneres issued an offer to Sophia to come on her program and perform. Sophia accepted the request.

The reality of the matter is that Sophia did, in fact, have a lengthy chat with Ellen, during which she disclosed that the fact that her performance had gone viral had caused her to feel “glad and excited.”

Ellen was first unable to recognize the little piece of artwork that she brought for her, which depicted Dory from the film Finding Nemo. She also brought a miniature piece of artwork for her.

Watch as Sophia utterly steals the show during her preschool graduation by watching the video that can be seen below.

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By Elen

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