Kevin Bacon is a well-known American actor who first gained widespread recognition for his role in the movie “Footloose.” In addition, he had starring roles in such well-known films as “JFK,” “A Few Good Men,” and “Apollo 13,” among many others. His versatility, which enables him to perform very well in a wide variety of subgenres, is one of Kevin’s numerous assets. Comedies such as “National Lampoon’s Animal House,” “Tremors,” and “Crazy, Stupid, Love” are some of the comedies for which he is most known. The actor was very successful on television with his appearance in “The Following.”

The actor has been honored with a variety of accolades over his career, including a Screen Actors Guild Award and a Golden Globe Award. In addition to that, Kevin is a candidate for both the Academy Award and the Primetime Emmy Award. In 2003, he was honored with the placement of his very own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Kevin is a devoted father and husband, in addition to being a prominent actor in the entertainment industry. Over the course of the last thirty years, he has been happily married to actress Kyra Sedgwick. They have two children together, both of whom were brought up in New York City by the two of them.

The part that made Sedgwick a household name was the title character she played in the television series “The Closer.” The actress’s work on the program earned her both a Golden Globe Award and a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Performance in a Television Series. The series ran for an impressive total of seven seasons until it was cancelled in 2012. In addition, many people remember Sedgwick for the humorous part she played in the television sitcom “Brooklyn Nine-Nine.” Her filmography includes titles like “Something to Talk About,” “Born on the Fourth of July,” and “Singles,” among others.

once the birth of her children, the actress decided to take a hiatus from performing, but she resumed her career once her children reached a more mature age. After their children grew up and moved out, she and Kevin seem to be enjoying the simpler, more laid-back lifestyle that their Connecticut farm affords them at this point. Continue reading to find out more about the connection that Kevin has with Sedgwick.

The poignant homage that Kevin paid to Sedgwick in the year 2020 won the hearts of people all throughout the world. In the 1970s, Kevin and Sedgwick first crossed paths when he was cast in a community play. At the time, Sedgwick was attending the production with her brother. When they were together, he was 19 while she was just 12 years old.

“A little girl was in there who had just seen the matinee, and her brother said, ‘You liked that actor, go tell him you liked him,’ and it was Kyra,” Kevin stated in 2014 when he appeared on “The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson,” as reported by Us Magazine. “You liked that actor, go tell him you liked him,” “She was a young girl, yes, she was 12 years old,” the speaker said.

When Sedgwick and Kevin ran into one other again far later in life, she made the decision to give Kevin a chance. They tied the knot in 1988, when Sedgwick was just 23 years old.

They have been married for close to 35 years at this point. In September 2020, while they were celebrating their 32nd anniversary, Kevin shared a flashback picture from their wedding that he had placed on his social media accounts. He expressed his appreciation to his very special girlfriend, Sedgwick, by posting a thank-you message on his Instagram profile. The famous actor sent a heartfelt letter for his wife in which he gushed over their many years of happiness and togetherness. “11,680 days with you,” was the caption that Kevin added to his post. “Thank you for making each and every one of them count.”

The couple’s supporters swiftly left comments on the post, expressing their appreciation for their happy, loving marriage and sending their best wishes to the two of them. Some others chose to look at the situation in a comical light by trying to determine the precise number of minutes and seconds that Bacon and Sedgwick had spent together. Others, on the other hand, voiced their respect for the two lovebirds and the robust connection that they had.

In September of 2021, Kevin published a further remembrance on the occasion of their 33rd wedding anniversary. The lyrical black-and-white photograph of the pair dancing was accompanied with the following caption:

Cheers to enjoying life together, dancing the night away with you, @kyrasedgwickofficial! Best wishes on your anniversary. You are the cause of this.”

The pair, on the other hand, has also been through some difficult times together. During the Bernie Madoff crisis that took place in 2008, Kevin and Sedgwick lost all of their wealth after falling prey to the greatest Ponzi scam in the annals of financial history. “We found out when the world found out,” Sedgwick reportedly told People when the news became public.

“Kev had been working professionally since he was 17 years old and I had been working professionally since I was 15 years old, and it was our savings, all the money we had at the time… It had been a trying day.”

The couple never revealed how much money they had lost, although it was rumored that the amount was in the “millions.” In spite of the tragedy, it helped Kevin and Sedgwick focus their attention on the things that were really important in life: their children and their health.

The two lovebirds also discussed how they encourage one another in the midst of their hectic jobs in an interview with Glamour.

Kevin acknowledged it at the time, saying that at the time, “Kyra felt really strongly that, when she started to have children, she needed to be there for them.” Because of the children, she would often make choices about her professional life that were not in the best interest of her work. Although there was more employment in Los Angeles, we continued to reside in New York so that we could fulfill our desire to bring up our children in the city.

Although Sedgwick was the one who first took charge, her husband came through for her when she landed a starring role on the critically acclaimed television drama “The Closer.”

“Then when ‘The Closer’ came along — I don’t even look at this as a sacrifice,” Kevin said. But at that time, the children were still in high school or junior high, and she had the option to go to California and star in a television program there. I responded by saying, “Listen, I’ll stay here with the children.” In this particular circumstance, it was the very first time in both of our lives that I said, “I’ll stay home, and I won’t take anything.”

Kevin claims that Sedgwick won’t put up with bullshit and that she wants her loved ones to communicate with her in a straightforward and concise manner. To elaborate, Kevin said:

“No, she doesn’t have that, but it’s a somewhat different situation. She expects a certain degree of transparency from me. The way she interacts with us, whether it be with my son, daughter, or myself, is to focus on how we are feeling and how we think about things. The importance of communication is something that Mom has instilled in all of us as a family.

When Kevin was asked whether communication was the key to their long-lasting marriage, he agreed but said that it was a subject he did not really like answering. “Yes, communication is beneficial. “But that is a question that I’ve sort of come to the conclusion that I’m not capable of answering,” he continued. “Uh, I’m not capable of answering.” “No, I am not unable; nonetheless, I do not want to do so, and I will explain why. Every time I go there, this thing that is so significant to me gets reduced to a one-liner, and I feel like it makes it seem less significant than it really is. So now I’m thinking, what do you know? I’m done.”

Sedgwick herself had said at one point that disclosing such deeply personal information was a pointless activity. “(The) secret to a long-lasting marriage is to not take advice from celebrities about the secret to a happy marriage,” she joked about the key to a successful union.

Sedgwick and Kevin have made it through all of the challenges they have faced as a relationship by working through them together. Kevin illustrated his point with the Bernard Madoff scandal.

“It was an awful day. But quite soon, we were able to recognize all the things we had rather than anything we lost, and those are the things that are most often referred to as cliches: children, health, love, and a wonderful house. Therefore, we triumphed over it together. I don’t really think about Madoff at all, to be honest,” he said.

The couple now has a son by the name of Travis and a daughter by the name of Sosie. They are both in their 30s at this point and have followed in their parents’ footsteps by working in the entertainment business. While Sosie has followed in her parents’ footsteps by becoming an actress, Travis is a musician and plays in a band. Kevin expressed his opinions on Sosie’s decision to pursue a career in acting and said:

“Kyra and I had accidentally conveyed to her over the years that this was not the kind of life we want for her to have. When you add the fact that you are a woman to the mix, there are even more obstacles to overcome since it is unclear, you are evaluated, and it is a lifetime of being rejected. If you want to be an actor, you need to be able to say, “I’m going to do this, whatever you say.” (I’m going to do this, whatever you say.) Her parents are both extremely accomplished actresses, and they told her they didn’t want her to pursue acting. However, she told them, “I’m doing it anyway,” and that’s what you need to do to make it.

He went on to say that he and Sedgwick had never engaged in any kind of rivalry with one another. “Kyra and I have faith in each other’s abilities as actors, directors, and talent,” she said. According to what Kevin shared with People, “she has never been anything other than supportive of me.” “When it comes to me, she doesn’t have a single ounce of competitive spirit in her body. She claims credit for all of my accomplishments. I am exactly the same way.

The parents reported feeling relieved to be able to concentrate on one another now that their children were not there. “We decide what we’re going to have for the next meal, then cook it, clean it, and then decide what we’re going to have for the next meal.” “The value of her partnership cannot be overstated,” Kevin added. “I located the person who was destined to be in my life.”

The actor went on to say that he has absolutely no plans to hang up his hat any time soon. Kevin said that “a lot of people who are my age are thinking about putting on a little bit of the brakes.” I am truly focusing my attention on what is ahead. The rearview mirror that I have isn’t very good.

In 2012, Sedgwick disclosed the details of her romantic involvement with Kevin. Even though Sedgwick and Kevin initially met when they were both young, they were able to bond with one another once again while filming “Lemon Sky.” As Sedgwick said,

“We first became acquainted while making a movie adaptation of the play ‘Lemon Sky.’ I can very clearly recall hearing from my agent a couple of days after I got the job that Kevin Bacon had fallen out, and that he needed to be in New Zealand for reshoots on a movie. This was a few days after I had gotten the part. I can still hear the really authoritative tone of the voice that was telling me, “Oh, he’s definitely going to do it.” So when they contacted a couple of days later and told that he was back in, I was like, ‘Of course he is!’ It’s not like I was under the impression that we were going to tie the knot. However, I do recall thinking to myself at the time, “Of course he’s going to do it.”

The actress went on to say that she and Kevin have a connection that is just as solid now as it was when they first started dating. The core of it hasn’t actually been altered in any significant way. When he enters a room, I’m still… I guess you could say that my heart skips a beat and I think, Oh! He is very adorable. He is quite alluring. That is the very first thing that comes into my head. You can question individuals working on the set about it since the tension is evident. He continues to be a puzzle to me. “Aging alongside one another is both terrifying and exhilarating,” she remarked.

In addition to this, Sedgwick talked about how much her spouse makes her feel loved on a daily basis. “I don’t know how he does it, but he always makes me feel like I’m the most beautiful woman in the room — the only girl in the room,” she added. “I don’t know how he does it, but he always makes me feel like I’m the most beautiful woman in the room.” “He tells me, ‘Honey, you look just stunning. You are sexy!’ Always, always, always!”

She went on to say that

“Kevin’s level-headedness and his complete lack of ‘crazy’ never cease to amaze me,” I often say.

Kevin and Sedgwick gave an interview to People in March 2023 on their long-lasting marriage, which will reach the milestone of 35 years of marriage in September 2023. Kevin said that for him, it was an immediate feeling of love. “I was knocked out,” the actor said after the fight. “I thought she was incredible,” you said.

When Sedgwick woke up the morning after their first date, she had the same realization.

“I remember waking up and going, ‘I feel like home.’ “I realized, ‘Oh, that was him,'” the actress shared her revelation with the audience.

“We’ve always been each other’s biggest supporters and fans,” Sedgwick said more about the pair. “A good sense of humor is really necessary. He is really, ridiculously hilarious.

In July of 2023, Kevin published a piece in which he discussed how Sedgwick had made his birthday memorable, despite the fact that Kevin detested celebrating his milestone birthday.

“Everyone who knows me is aware that I do not like celebrating my birthday. This is going to be a wonderful day because of my wife. She recently said that our marriage is similar to roast chicken, so for supper she prepared a delicious chicken and then served my favorite dessert, which is buckwheat banana bread topped with chocolate frosting. He captioned the photo with the phrase “perfect day.” Kevin was alluding to an instance in which Sedgwick had compared their relationship to the “always good and reliable” meal.

“There are moments when it’s romantic, and other times it’s like, ‘Oh my gosh.’ “And other times it’s chicken,” Sedgwick said in an interview with E!News.

According to what can be gleaned from their social media profiles, despite the fact that both of their jobs have slowed down, the couple continues to be active and full of enthusiasm. Kevin often shared snatches of their lives on the rustic farm, some of which featured the three of them singing and dancing together. One video featured Kevin playing the guitar as he and Sedgwick sung a cover of the iconic Disney song “Kiss the Girl,” which captivated the audience. One of the users wrote in:

“I adore both of you. An A-list celebrity couple who have managed to keep their business out of the public eye, and who come off as humble and really approachable. Objectives in Relationships “

By Elen

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