On the very first day of sixth grade, Sarah and Cade Wessel were introduced to one another, and an immediate bond was formed between the two of them.
The people who were born and raised in Bradenton, Florida, stayed connected over the years. Then, in 2018, when they were both in their final year of high school, their connection took a romantic turn, and they began dating.
When the forms for submitting quotations for the senior yearbook were distributed, Cade was in class with a handful of his buddies on a day that would go down in history as very significant.
Cade, who is 24 years old, reflects on the situation in an exclusive interview with People magazine. “Some were trying to think of funny things to say, and others were attempting to be profound,” Cade says. “But I sat there, isolated myself and thought, ‘I’m going to do something legendary.'”
A moment of spontaneity led Cade to scribble down the now-famous remark, “Twenty bucks I marry Sarah Dill.” the line has since become legendary. In order to maintain the confidentiality of his quotation, he did not reveal it to anybody, not even Sarah, who went to a different high school.
No, I didn’t feel anxious about writing it. To the very depths of my being, I was aware that this was how I felt. He adds, “It was not entirely up to me whether or not it came true, but I felt like it was.” He goes on to state that Sarah learned about the comment when someone from his school gave her a photo of it.
A number of years later, on Saturday, April 27, Cade’s comment from his yearbook was realized. It was at the Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium in Sarasota, Florida, that he and Sarah exchanged their vows and became husband and wife.
A few favors were called in by Cade’s father in order to have a blown-up picture of the senior quotation that was 10 feet by 10 feet, along with their engagement photo that was taken in front of an erupting volcano, and the words to a song by Bruce Springsteen, used as decorations for the wedding.
Sarah, who is also 24 years old, adds, “It would be right out of a romantic comedy.” The senior quotations were due at the end of January, which means that we had only been dating for a few weeks when he submitted it. Now, as we reflect, we understand that was the deadline for the senior quotes. When you are aware, you are aware!
Immediately after the couple’s wedding, their photographer Olivia Derocher uploaded a video on Instagram that included Cade’s comment from the yearbook. A picture of Cade as he walked down the aisle while holding twenty dollars in his hand was included in the post.
The post has now gained 1.4 million likes, indicating that it has become quite popular.
“I kept that $20 and the two other $20s handed to me that night safe in an envelope at home in hopes to frame and hang them in our house some day,” Cade explains to me.
“Bet on yourself and your partner,” he adds. “Bet on yourself.” The expression “when you know, you know” couldn’t be more correct, and the fact that I placed a wager on that sensation to get us to this point in time is the evidence that proves the point. If your heart is in the proper place, then you will be exactly where you are intended to be. To put it another way, follow your heart.