The unexpected news that he has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer has been given by a marathon runner who is 38 years old. He is now recording his treatment for the condition.
My age is 38 years old, and I have been given a diagnosis of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma at advanced stage. “What the hell is going on?” According to Govind Sandhu, who is the director of Global Music Partnerships at TikTok Australia, he revealed his diagnosis on Monday in a video that he posted on Instagram.
According to him, “This wasn’t exactly a part of my five-year plan.” In my opinion, I was in the finest physical condition of my whole life, the healthiest I’ve ever been. A person who participates in CrossFit and runs ultra-marathons and marathons, who is obsessed with training, who maximizes their sleep and recuperation, who takes supplements, and who eats well.
“I just finished 75 Hard,” Sandhu added, “and was in Bali for a couple of weeks training up a storm.” 75 Hard is a workout regimen that has been criticized for its contentious nature over the years and has even resulted in some of its followers being hospitalized.
At the conclusion of the Sydney half-marathon, he revealed that he was informed of the presence of cancer in his body.
“I am speechless,” he said.
In a subsequent statement, he commented on his experience by saying, “I ran the half-marathon while also being away a weekend prior in a remote part of Australia running trails with stage 4 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma running wild through my system.” This statement was made in reference to The New York Post.
According to the Mayo Clinic, non-Hodgkins lymphoma is a kind of cancer that often starts in the lymph nodes. This is the location where white blood cells proliferate in an irregular manner, which may lead to malignancies in other parts of the body.
In spite of the fact that Sandhu did not disclose his prognosis, Verywell Health states that the five-year survival rate for various forms of non-Hodgkins lymphoma varies from 57% to 86%.
Immediately after the marathon, Sandhu suffered symptoms that were similar to those of the flu, discomfort in his neck, knee, and shoulder, and “wild night sweats” that kept waking him up. These symptoms prompted him to seek medical attention, as reported by the New York Post.
He subsequently posted on Instagram, “You don’t know what you don’t know,” as the word of his illness started to circulate around the medical community. “Make an appointment for a general checkup, see your primary care physician, and have your blood drawn. Getting ahead of the game is a rather simple first step to take!
Sandhu is now revealing information about his battle with cancer. He posted a picture of a handful of six pills, which he referred to as his “cancer meds.” He joked that these pills “supercharged” him for the day that he was scheduled to get chemotherapy.
While he was driving to Saint Vincent’s Private Hospital for a chemotherapy session that would last for two days, he uploaded a video to his social media accounts in which he said, “To be honest, feeling up for it.” Had a wonderful breakfast this morning, as well as a wonderful supper and a nice night’s sleep the night before. Moreover, from my point of view, it seems that we have taken yet another step backwards on the path to health and wellness.
Sandhu maintained the upbeat atmosphere by posting a video titled “tour de chemo ward” at a later time. In the video, he displayed a peace sign as he was receiving treatment.
Following the completion of his second day of treatment, he informed his fans by captioning the video with the phrase “Very lucky.”
At the same time that he admitted that the first day was “so overwhelming,” he said, “I’m not feeling too bad.”