Take it from Sonny, a stray dog whose truly kind nature is concealed behind his not-so-perfect appearance; a book can’t be judged by its cover, just as a dog can’t be assessed by his fur. Sonny is living proof that a book can’t be judged by its cover.

Late in the month of March in 2023, Sonny was brought into the Jackson County Animal Shelter (JCAS) after being found wandering the streets. When the crew first saw the adorable dog, they were immediately able to discern that he was broken not just physically but also emotionally.

According to Lydia Sattler, who is the director of animal services in Jackson, Michigan, “He just looked like he was about to give up,” The Dodo said. “He looked broken in his eyes.”

Sonny’s ears had been cut in the past, his nails had grown out, his coat was uneven, and he tested positive for heartworm. He had made it through the ordeal of being ignored by his family, and despite the fact that he had a long way to go before he was fully recovered, he did not have any feelings of bitterness; rather, he was filled to the brim with love.

Soon after arriving at JCAS, the medical personnel began treating Sonny, and gradually, but steadily, he began to show signs of improvement. Sonny’s carers were able to see, after some time had passed, that his dejected spirit was finally beginning to brighten up again.

“You could literally see the life come back into his eyes as we were caring for him,” said Sattler.

Sonny’s carers were surprised to discover how loving he was when he began to recover from his illness. When someone would kneel down to his level, Sonny would softly bury his head into their chest and remain there as long as possible. He would do this whenever someone would kneel down to his level.

“He figuratively and literally just wants to hug everyone,” said Sattler. “He simply melts into you. It’s almost as if he can’t get near enough to see what’s going on.

Sonny was the kind of person who, no matter who was there, was always prepared to give out the best hugs. Only he was aware of how his life had been before to being rescued, and he desired for everyone to understand how grateful he was to have been delivered.

“With daily care and someone to love him, he’s gotten a lot better,” said Sattler. “He’s gotten so much better.” “It seems as if he’s thankful for it. I’m at a loss for words; all I can say is that you can simply feel it.”

Now that he’s old enough, Sonny is ready to be adopted, but nobody seems interested in him. His coworkers at JCAS are aware of how affectionate he is toward animals, but due to the way he looks, most people avoid him.

Even though it is heartbreaking for them to see adoptive families pass on their cherished puppy, they are certain that he will find a home sooner rather than later. Sattler believes that it is just a matter of time until Sonny’s outward appearance catches up to his personality.

“He looks awful, but he’s going to get better,” Sattler added. “He’s gonna get better.” The veterinarian said, “His coat is going to come back, and he’s going to gain weight… However, it is only a matter of appearance; his ears will never again be in their natural state.

Sonny will, in due time, assemble a nuclear family of his own. When he goes, his friends at JCAS will miss his embraces, but they will take solace in the knowledge that Sonny has finally met the one who is a great fit for him.

Sattler remarked that the ideal companion for Sonny would be someone who had a spirit that was as kind and caring as his own, so that the two of them could share these qualities on a daily basis. “He certainly got what was coming to him.”

Sonny’s adoption costs have already been paid for by a kind benefactor, and the animal shelter is prepared to cover the full cost of his heartworm treatment as soon as he is placed in a forever home. Find his person and he will have all he needs.

Up until then, Sattler and her crew will continue to take advantage of every opportunity to bask in Sonny’s devotion by giving him hugs. Even though they have looked after a large number of canines in the past, they consider Sonny to be one of a kind.

“To love Sonny is to meet him,” stated Sattler. “To meet Sonny is to love him.” After being treated with such indifference for so long, it’s remarkable how much love he still has to give. He’s simply very kind.”

You may contact the Jackson County Animal Shelter located here with any questions you may have about adopting Sonny.
You may make a contribution to the Jackson County Animal Shelter using this link in order to ensure that dogs like Sonny continue to get the necessary medical treatment.

By Elen

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