That must have left quite an impression on the person who was responsible for serving him, doesn’t it?
It’s heartening to learn that a famous actor was kind without expecting to be recognized for it in the future.
Knowing that even the most famous individuals can show compassion to others provides a glimmer of hope for those of us who don’t star in blockbuster movies or wear outfits that cost several millions of dollars. This is especially true for those of us who fall into the category of “ordinary” people.
One recent illustration of this phenomenon occurred when the owner of the mustache with the greatest notoriety in the world decided to imitate what he had seen a buddy do.
Blue Bloods is now one of the most well-liked series on television today.
It follows the life of a family that has been employed by the NYPD for many generations. The story itself isn’t all that relevant to what we need to do right now; but, there are two performers who are!
The sitcom has a father-and-son dynamic, with Tom Selleck and Donnie Wahlberg playing the roles of the titular characters, respectively.
As a direct consequence of this, the two are familiar with one another on a deeper level.
Donnie Wahlberg made the decision in December that he was going to do something insane to finish off the crazy year of 2020, and he put an outrageous tip amount on a restaurant bill.
On a bill that only totaled $35.27, Donnie’s final gratuity came to a whopping $2,020 (in terms of the year 2020)!
The year 2020 was a difficult one for many individuals, particularly those who worked in the food sector. Forbes states:
“The industry ended 2020 with total sales around $659 billion, which is $240 billion below the association’s pre-pandemic forecast,” the article states, “underscoring the effects of a relentless virus that has caused more than 110,000 closures, shifted operational models entirely, and created deep trepidation about dining out.”
As a direct consequence of this, the servers, waiters, and local business owners all suffered.
Donnie was under the impression that his little gift may be of great use to a complete stranger.
Tom Selleck decided to tip the server after seeing his co-star give the gratuity to the waiter.