It’s possible that he didn’t even need that much time to make his choice. Marcio, I want to express my gratitude for being the amazing guy that you are. The judges of the 15th season of American Idol were taken aback on more than one occasion by Marcio Donaldson. First, he wowed them with his passionate singing, and then he told them the tale of how he adopted his nephew and kept him out of foster care.
Marcio had a difficult beginning to his life. He was brought into this world in Compton, California, which was rife with gang violence, illegal firearms, and illicit narcotics. Marcio and his sister had little choice but to leave their home since their mother, despite her best attempts, too became addicted to drugs, and they were placed in foster care as a result. However, he could always turn to his music as an outlet for stress relief.
Even though he was never able to save up enough money for regular tuition, he never gave up his love for music and quickly discovered that it was a wonderful outlet for all of the pain he suffered as a youngster. He says,
A man who was 28 years old was given ten minutes to decide whether or not he wanted to adopt his one-week-old nephew or give the child up for adoption.
“I was able to find solace in my music.”
Unfortuitously, his sister was unable to find the same outlet that he found, and before long, the cycle was back to where it started. In addition to this, she developed a dependency on narcotics, much as their mother did before them. Only six months before to his audition, Marcio found out that his sister had given birth to a child. However, because of her persistent issues with drugs, she was judged to be unsuitable, and the authorities were at Marcio’s door asking if he would take her kid.
Marcio was able to clarify the situation by stating, “The police came to my house and stated, ‘You have to decide whether you will retain this kid or if he will go into the system.'” What at first seemed to be a hardship turned out to be a gift in a short amount of time.
Because Marcio felt he couldn’t let his nephew to go down the same road as he and his sister, he decided to raise the child as his own and adopt him. He is the first to confess that it was a challenging learning curve, but in the end, it has provided him with a purpose in life. Now, Marcio is resolved to do all in his power to help the little child. That includes his singing with such sincerity that it blew the judges away!
When they arrived, Marcio brought just his nephew with him, and once they were inside, he gave his precious possession to Luke Bryan so that he could perform his heart out. What comes next is one of the most exposed and heartfelt performances any of the contestants on American Idol have given in recent memory. Have you had fun with that? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below, and be sure to spread the word to your friends and family as well. His tale is one that should be recounted since it is interesting.
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