I have no doubt that many of you are familiar with this beautiful actress because to the parts that she played in classic American comedy. Kirsty gained recognition all around the globe for her performance with John Travolta in the movie Who Would Say, which led to her being a household name in many countries.
It’s hard for me to get my head around the fact that the actress turned 70 just lately. The other day, paparazzi photographers filmed the American celebrity when she was out and about in Los Angeles, and they were able to display what she looks like today. “Our Kirsty has reached her senior years,” “Time goes without notice,”
“Plump, in my view,” “I would look like this at 70,” “Looks good for her age,” “She has a very memorable appearance,” and “I adored movies in which she participated” are some of the comments people have made about the actress.
People on the internet have said things like, “I stopped looking after myself,” “I changed a lot,” and “I gained weight.” What do you say? Do you believe Ellie has become significantly different?