A stray cat mama and her two stray kittens came into the garden of Sydney, Australia. The kind and the compassionate lady couldn’t keep her hands off the adorable kittens and began feeding them on a daily basis. However, after a short period of time, she became aware that their eyes were different from the rest of them. Despite the fact that they were nearly three weeks old, their eyes were still closed, and it was only afterward that she discovered that they were blind… The mother wanted to care for the kittens, but she was in a bad financial condition, which is why she chose to contact a rescue organization called Inner City Strays, who happily agreed to take the kittens into care for them.
When the kittens were originally brought into the shelter, the staff members were taken aback by their sweetness and attractiveness, according to the employees. Steve and Isaac were the names given to them. Before bringing them to the shelter, they brought them to the vet, where it was discovered that both of them required eye surgical intervention.
What’s even more intriguing about the cutie pies is that they can sense one other’s emotions. Because Steve is entirely blind, Isaac can only see with one eye, and when he notices that Steve isn’t next to him, he instantly begins wailing and begging for his brother, who arrives in a jiffy to save him. They are unable to function without the other, and as a result, they are ashamed when one of them is absent from the scene.