The ‘Pokémon’ characters Misty and Jessie were voiced by Rachel Lillis in the animated series that was based on a video game.
Following a valiant fight against breast cancer, Rachael Lillis, a skilled voice actress who was recognized for her appearances in a number of English-dubbed Pokémon films and television shows, passed away on Saturday, August 10. 46 was her age.
A member of her family has verified the news that she has passed away. On a GoFundMe page, her sister Laurie Orr expressed her sorrow at the news that Rachael had gone away. “I regret to say that Rachael has passed away,” she wrote. Because she went away without experiencing any agony on Saturday night, we are thankful for her peaceful passing. She is surrounded by an unlimited amount of love, and she is with God, the angels, and the family members who have gone over before her.
The 1990s saw the beginning of Lillis’s career as a voice actor, and she swiftly rose to prominence as a treasured character in the world of anime and video games. The video games Hunter X Hunter and Super Smash Bros. both featured her in prominent roles.
It is possible that she is most recognized for the iconic characters that she created for the first Pokémon anime series. Misty, the fiery gym leader; Jessie, one half of the mischievous Team Rocket combo; and Jigglypuff, the charming but powerful singing Pokémon — all of these characters were brought to life by Lillis.
Besides her work on the Pokémon television series, Lillis has also provided her voice for a number of Pokémon films. These films include Pokémon: The First Movie, Pokémon: The Movie 2000, Mewtwo Returns, Spell of the Unown, Pokémon 4Ever, and Pokémon Heroes, amongst others.
A touching post on X was written by Veronica Taylor, who provided the voice for the main character Ash Ketchum in the Pokémon series. In the post, she paid respect to her friend and co-star.
“It is with a very heavy heart that I share the news of the passing of Rachael Lillis,” Taylor said in her letter. “Rachael was an extraordinary talent, a bright light that shone through her voice whether speaking or singing.”
Taylor went on to say, “She will be remembered for all time for the numerous animated roles that she played, with her most beloved performances being those of Misty and Jessie from Pokémon.” During her fight against cancer, Rachael was overwhelmed with gratitude for the outpouring of love and support that she received from several people. Because of this, there was a noticeable improvement.
“I was fortunate enough to know Rachael as a friend,” Taylor said, reflecting on the lengthy period that they had spent together. Even right up to the very end, she had an infinite capacity for love and compassion. Aside from having an amazing sense of humor, she was also highly brilliant, had a phenomenal memory, and was a nice person to be around. She put forth a lot of effort and had a strong concern for others. After her light has stopped shining in this extremely black emptiness, I am not sure how it will be filled. I am not sure how it will be filled.