Even when the dog had a handicap, the owner of a golden retriever that was 13 years old arranged it so that his closest buddy could continue to join him on their routine walk in the afternoon.
A dog is more than just a pet for those of us who have ever shared our lives with a four-legged companion; it’s a part of the family. Dogs are overflowing with love and devotion… They are always excited to see us when we get home, and regardless of how we are feeling, they are always ready to play or cuddle with us. They are always eager to see us.
When we are lonely and in need of companionship from another living creature, we might find comfort in the company of our canine companions. According to a number of studies, having a dog may significantly cut down on feelings of isolation, particularly for those of our older age, who may not be able to socialize as often as they formerly did due to physical limitations. In addition, research has shown that spending time with a dog and engaging in physical activity helps reduce feelings of stress. Playing with dogs may assist individuals of all ages, including those with heart conditions and autism, overcome some of the challenges they face, according to a research conducted by Harvard University. Because they are such wonderful little buddies that love us without condition and don’t criticize us, the happiness of our cherished dogs has become something that we consider as something that is of utmost importance to us.
Sabrina La Grotteria stumbled found an old man in the town of Vibo Valentina, Italy, who was so loyal to his dog that it motivated her to shoot a small movie of them on an afternoon walk together. She observed an old man named Tonino walking his dog Dylan, but it wasn’t a regular walk that dogs and their owners do together. Because Tonino was unable to walk very far, he would push his faithful dog about the neighborhood on a cart.
Sabrina discovered that Dylan, who was 13 at the time, had lost the use of his rear legs due to arthritis. Despite the fact that he enjoyed going for afternoon walks, he couldn’t do it anymore. Because Tonino, a great old guy, discovered how much Dylan enjoys strolling around the city, he arranged for a cart on which Dylan’s dog could lay down while the two of them continued their gorgeous travels together. This was done because Tonino was aware of how much Dylan enjoys taking walks through the city.
Even though it seems like Tonino is getting quite a workout by pushing the cart up and down the rough streets, he doesn’t mind since the most important thing to him and his family is that Dylan is still alive, and that he is happy and enjoying his life.
After Sabrina uploaded the video, it warmed the hearts of thousands of people all around the world. It included Tonino and Dylan. In response to a query on how people felt about the movie, Tonino simply remarked that he hoped it would encourage people to develop a compassion, care, and respect for animals in their lives.