Even though a year has gone by after the loss of this cat’s owner, the feline in question has not moved from the grave of the elderly lady to she was loyal to. Keli Keningau Prayitno, a bystander from Central Java, Indonesia, was the first person to hear the heartbroken kitten’s screams and the first person to attempt to assist the cat by adopting her. Keli is 28 years old.

However, this strategy was ineffective, as the cat continued to visit the grave of her owner the next day. The only time she ventures away from the location is when she visits the home of her owner’s children when the youngsters feed her. The cat is fed and watered by random people who notice her, but all she wants to do is sleep on the ground and roll about in the dirt every night. Strangers who see her feed and hydrate her.

Keli said to The Mirror that her cat meows when she is sleeping in that spot. “It’s a really upsetting thing to see. It is a clear indication of how closely animals are associated with their owners.

According to those who specialize in the care of animals, sorrow is a genuine emotion for cats, despite the fact that cats sometimes seem magnificent and uninterested. Anxiety, loss of interest in the outside world, and behavior that is not characteristic of the cat may develop in felines. In more severe circumstances, it is strongly recommended that you get in touch with a veterinarian and discuss the possibility of having your cat on anti-anxiety medication.

By Anna

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