You may be going about your day as usual when all of a sudden, something could happen that would alter the course of your life. A person by the name of Marc Hadden is quite knowledgeable on this subject.
Marc Hadden is a member of the Myrtle Beach Fire Department in South Carolina. In addition to that, he is the parent of two sons and the spouse of Beth Hadden. Even though Marc and Beth wanted to expand their family beyond two children, they were warned that Beth’s history of pregnancies made it unsafe for her to have any more biological children.
“My wife was basically told to wrap it up, you know, that any further pregnancies could cause more complications for her and for, you know, the potential baby,” Marc told Inside Edition. “My wife was told that any further pregnancies could cause more difficulties for her and for, you know, the potential baby.”
Marc and Beth considered adopting a child, but they immediately realized that their low incomes as firefighters and teachers would make it difficult for them to do so.
Marc and Beth decided to put their faith in God for the outcome of their future and continued living their lives as normal with their two beautiful sons. That is until Marc answered a call that he received while he was at work. He had the impression that it was going to be an ordinary call, but in reality, it was the call that altered the course of his life and the lives of his family.
In response to an emergency call from a lady who was experiencing stomach discomfort, Marc arrived on the scene.
It became immediately apparent, upon his arrival at the scene, that she was pregnant and about to go into labor. Since it seemed unlikely that the mother would make it to the hospital in time, Marc, who had never done it before, took the lead in delivering the baby. The newborn was a healthy and adorable little girl when she was finally revealed.
“I was given responsibility for anything that had to do with Gracie… According to what Marc said to CBS News, “I helped her take her first breath.”
The mom and her newborn child were rushed to the hospital as soon as possible by Marc and his companion. Marc overheard a nurse saying that the infant needed to be placed for “urgent adoption,” since the mother had said that this was necessary. What kind of reaction did Marc have to the news?
By jokingly stating, “Throw my name in the hat if this kid is being put up for adoption,” she was referring to the possibility of her adopting the child.
If Marc and his wife were really interested in adopting a child, the nurses advised them to have a serious conversation with the biological mother. So, Marc did. Marc shared with the new mother the story of his family and how they wished they could have more children but were unable to conceive any more biological children. After that, he went to the nursery to take some pictures of the brand new baby girl in there.
After seeing the images, Marc’s wife made a joke about how much she wanted to keep her. Thankfully, it would not remain a joke for an extended period of time.
After just a few short days, Marc and Beth would be able to bring their newly adopted daughter home with them to be with the rest of the family.
Gracie is the nickname given to Rebecca Grace Hadden.
It was not unexpected that the Hadden family would be entirely unprepared for a newborn baby after the whirlwind of events that had occurred over the previous several days. At that point, members of their community intervened. The Haddens’ friends, relatives, and colleagues came with all of the baby goods they would need as well as some more items.
Marc made a joking comment that he could not even open his front door all the way due to the abundance of baby goods that had been donated by their neighborhood.
When Marc was being interviewed by Inside Edition, Gracie had just turned five years old. What was the situation with Gracie and her hero daddy?
“Gracie has me completely enthralled and captivated. “There is absolutely no question about that,” Marc said.
The Hadden family’s life were all altered in the most wonderful manner imaginable as a direct result of that one 911 call.
You may find out more about this beautiful adoption story by watching the video that has been provided below.