In the midst of the devastating floods that swept over his nation, a soldier made the selfless decision to attempt to preserve the life of his much-loved animal companion, demonstrating to the rest of the world what matters most in such a precarious situation.
The protection of life is the first priority in any emergency, regardless of the magnitude of the material losses that may be incurred as a result of the occurrence of a catastrophe such as this one; this rule applies to all social classes and makes no exceptions for particular species.
The Asian nation was hit by massive rainfall over a period of several weeks, which resulted in more than 44 Thai provinces being inundated in water and leading to the loss of hundreds of people.
In the face of such a crisis, the military and the civil security forces had no choice but to intervene in order to assist those who had been affected and to evacuate the civilians whose lives were in danger.
Pets were impacted by the emergency circumstances just as their owners were.
This snapshot of a soldier carrying a pit bull on his back is evidence that the first responders helped people as well as their dogs without making any distinctions between the two types of victims, as can be seen in the caption.
The people who lived in the city of Chiang Rai, which is located in the northern part of the nation, fled to higher ground in order to protect themselves, and Theerachot Homjom did the same thing. However, he did not carry out this plan of escape on his own; rather, he did it together with his friend.
Before beginning their journey, the dad carried his little child on his back.
Although the pit bull was intimidating, he had complete faith in his owner and got carried away with his antics. Theerajot is a distinguished soldier who, during the flood, assisted the neighbors in evacuating their homes; as a result, he is unable to overlook the well-being of his treasured pet.
The courageous soldier brought along more than a simple puppy; the dog was his closest friend and life partner, and it would have been difficult for him to abandon him in the midst of that precarious circumstance.
The primary cause of the flood would be the Kuang River reaching its maximum capacity and bursting its banks.
The soldier only had one “wonderful” that pulsed and genuinely felt the same as him: his dog, but other people had a difficult time saving as many material objects as possible.
The guy told a local media station, “The floodwaters can demolish my home, but not my precious puppy,” when asked about his statement.
Because of the prospect of losing his spouse, the soldier participated in one of the most emotionally charged episodes that occurred during the floods. This scenario was captured on video and uploaded to several social media platforms. The video quickly gained widespread attention, as predicted.
The guy sent to the whole world, by his straightforwardness and doggedness, a very obvious message: the life of pets is just as valuable as human life, and it is worthwhile to fight for them.
To be able to believe that, all one has to do is observe how, despite his anxiety, the guy did not give up on his plan to rescue the furry man.
The photographs show a terrified dog and a weary soldier who keeps walking without giving up in order to get his pet out of harm’s path. This act moved everyone and was broadcast even on television since it displaced so many people.
“A person brought his trapped pet to safety as hundreds of residences were damaged by Tropical Storm Sinlaku in northern Thailand,” they reported. “A guy carried his stranded pet to safety as hundreds of homes were hit by Tropical Storm Sinlaku.”
The recitations caused the water to reach the people of Loei even higher than their waists, despite the fact that at the time they were recorded, the soldier and his pet were already at a high area where the water level was decreased.
A report from the authorities indicates that there were at least two persons who lost their lives and that there were a total of 700 dwellings that were entirely destroyed.
The aftermath of these natural calamities is marked by a great deal of suffering.
Rattiya Panich, a local citizen, expressed her regret at being one of the many people who lost their lives as a result of this crisis, which ultimately claimed hundreds of lives. “The water arrived incredibly quickly, and my family and I are unable to grab virtually anything,” the woman remarked in an interview with a regional television station.